* Import vendor modules
* @ignore
const os = require('os');
const dns = require('dns').promises;
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
* Import own modules
* @ignore
const Logger = require('./Logger');
const Config = require('./Config');
* Preflight function
* @access private
* @since 1.0.0
* @author Glenn de Haan
* @copyright MIT
const preflight = async () => {
const nodeVersionRequirement = Config.application.node;
const nodeVersion = process.versions['node'];
const packageInformation = require(__dirname + '/../package.json');
// Check if we can access the internet
let internet = false;
const pingGoogle = await dns.lookup('google.com').catch(() => {});
if(pingGoogle) {
internet = true;
// Get all local network card IP's
const cards = os.networkInterfaces();
const networks = [];
for (const name of Object.keys(cards)) {
for (const net of cards[name]) {
// Skip over non-IPv4 and internal (i.e. addresses
if (net.family === 'IPv4' && !net.internal) {
const seperator = '+----------------------------------------- @neobeach/core -----------------------------------------+';
const outputLines = [
text: `Core Version: ${packageInformation.version}`,
color: `Core Version: \u001b[36m${packageInformation.version}\u001b[0m`
text: `Node Version: ${nodeVersion}`,
color: `Node Version: \u001b[32m${nodeVersion}\u001b[0m`
text: `Host: ${os.hostname()} (${os.cpus().length} Core(s) - ${(os.totalmem() / 1073741824).toFixed(2)} GB Memory)`,
color: `Host: ${os.hostname()} (${os.cpus().length} Core(s) - ${(os.totalmem() / 1073741824).toFixed(2)} GB Memory)`
text: `Platform: ${process.platform} - ${os.release()} (${process.arch})`,
color: `Platform: \u001b[33m${process.platform}\u001b[0m - ${os.release()} (${process.arch})`
text: `Internet: ${internet ? 'AVAILABLE' : 'NOT AVAILABLE'} - ${networks.join(',')}`,
color: `Internet: ${internet ? '\u001b[32mAVAILABLE\u001b[0m' : '\u001b[31mNOT AVAILABLE\u001b[0m'} - ${networks.join(',')}`
// Output preflight
outputLines.forEach((line) => {
console.log(`| ${line.color}${new Array(((seperator.length - 4) - line.text.length) + 1).join(' ')} |`);
// Check if the NodeJS version requirement is met
if(parseInt(nodeVersion.split('.')[0]) !== nodeVersionRequirement) {
console.error(`[NODE] Incorrect version running! Node ${nodeVersionRequirement} required!`);
// Check if package updates are available after we know we have internet
if(internet && !process.env.SKIP_UPGRADE_CHECK) {
const core = await fetch('https://registry.npmjs.org/-/package/@neobeach/core/dist-tags');
if(core.status === 200) {
const coreJson = await core.json();
const npmVersion = coreJson.latest;
if(npmVersion !== packageInformation.version) {
console.log('\u001b[33m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Warning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\u001b[0m');
console.log(' You are running an outdated version of the @neobeach/core package, Please update soon !');
console.log(` Installed version: \u001b[33m${packageInformation.version}\u001b[0m`);
console.log(` Available version: \u001b[32m${npmVersion}\u001b[0m`);
console.log('\u001b[33m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Warning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\u001b[0m');
* Creates a user runtime/sandbox that monitors a users code, and kills the process is necessary
* @module Runtime
* @access public
* @since 1.0.0
* @author Glenn de Haan
* @copyright MIT
* @param {function} sandbox - A sandbox function that is monitored by the Runtime module
* @example
* const {Runtime, Server} = require('@neobeach/core');
* Runtime(() => {
* // Include your own code here
* server.run();
* });
const Runtime = async (sandbox) => {
// Catch unhandled promise rejections
process.on('unhandledRejection', err => {
Logger.error('[RUNTIME] Unhandled Rejection found!:');
// Catch unhandled exceptions
process.on('uncaughtException', err => {
Logger.error('[RUNTIME] Uncaught Exception found!:');
// Run the Runtime Preflight
await preflight();
// Start a users runtime
* Exports the Runtime module
* @ignore
module.exports = Runtime;