* Import modules
const {Logger} = require('@neobeach/core');
const expressGeoIp = require('express-geoip');
* Checks if we should redirect based on GEO-IP
* @module @neobeach/middlewares-geoip
* @access public
* @since 1.0.0
* @author Glenn de Haan
* @copyright MIT
* @param {Object} routing - Object with blueprint of projects routing.
* @param {String} defaultCountryCode - When req.ip is not found or recognized use this country code.
* @param {Number} [statusCode] - The status code to use on the redirect.
* @param {Boolean} [debug] - Boolean to have extra logging for debugging.
* @return {function(*, *, *)}
* @example
* const {Runtime, Server} = require('@neobeach/core');
* const geoip = require('@neobeach/middlewares-geoip');
* const server = new Server();
* Runtime(() => {
* server.loadMiddlewares([geoip({'nl': 'nl-NL'}, 'nl', 301, false)]);
* server.run();
* });
module.exports = (routing, defaultCountryCode, statusCode = 307, debug = false) => {
Logger.info(`[GEOIP] Enabled! Routing: ${JSON.stringify(routing)}, Default Country Code: ${defaultCountryCode}, Redirect Status Code: ${statusCode}`);
return (req, res, next) => {
* Check if routing is correct
if(typeof routing === "undefined" || typeof routing !== "object") {
Logger.error("[GEOIP] Routing object is not correct");
* Check if defaultCountryCode is correct
if (typeof defaultCountryCode === "undefined" || typeof defaultCountryCode !== "string" || defaultCountryCode === "") {
Logger.error("[GEOIP] defaultCountryCode is not correct");
// Check if ip is in request and check if ip address is know otherwise use default country code
const countryCode = req.ip ? expressGeoIp('unknown').getCountryCode(req.ip) === "unknown" ? defaultCountryCode : expressGeoIp('unknown').getCountryCode(req.ip) : defaultCountryCode;
const urlWithoutParams = req.originalUrl.split("?")[0];
if (urlWithoutParams === "/") {
if (routing[countryCode.toLowerCase()]) {
if (debug) {
Logger.info(`[REDIRECT] Based on GeoIP: ${countryCode} -> ${routing[countryCode.toLowerCase()]}`);
res.redirect(statusCode, routing[countryCode.toLowerCase()]);
} else {
res.redirect(statusCode, defaultCountryCode);