* Import vendor modules
const {Logger} = require('@neobeach/core');
* Simple redirect middleware
* @module @neobeach/middlewares-redirect
* @access public
* @since 1.0.0
* @author Glenn de Haan
* @copyright MIT
* @param {Object} redirects - An object containing all static and regex redirects
* @param {Object} redirects.static - An object containing all static redirects
* @param {Object} redirects.regex - An object containing all regex redirects
* @param {Number} [status] - The HTTP status code used for the redirect
* @return {function(*, *, *)}
* @example
* const {Runtime, Server} = require('@neobeach/core');
* const redirect = require('@neobeach/middlewares-redirect');
* const server = new Server();
* Runtime(() => {
* server.loadMiddlewares([redirect({static: {'/test': '/test1'}, regex: {'^/test123/.*': '/new'}})]);
* server.run();
* });
module.exports = (redirects = {}, status = 307) => {
Logger.info(`[REDIRECT] Enabled! Redirect Status Code: ${status}`);
* Define statics
const valid_status_options = [301, 302, 307, 308];
* Check if the provided redirects are correct
if (typeof redirects === 'undefined' || typeof redirects !== 'object') {
Logger.error("[REDIRECT] Option 'redirects' must be an Object");
if (typeof redirects.static === 'undefined' || typeof redirects.static !== 'object') {
Logger.error("[REDIRECT] Option 'redirects.static' must be an Object");
if (typeof redirects.regex === 'undefined' || typeof redirects.regex !== 'object') {
Logger.error("[REDIRECT] Option 'redirects.regex' must be an Object");
* Check if the provided status is correct
if (valid_status_options.indexOf(status) === -1) {
Logger.warn(`[REDIRECT] Invalid option 'status' supplied. Options: ${valid_status_options}`);
* Return the express middleware
return (req, res, next) => {
const reqUrl = req.originalUrl.replace(/\/$/, '');
const nonStrippedReqUrl = req.originalUrl;
// Check for static redirects
if (redirects.static[reqUrl]) {
Logger.info(`[EXPRESS][REDIRECT] Static redirect found: ${reqUrl} -> ${redirects.static[reqUrl]}`);
res.redirect(status, redirects.static[reqUrl]);
// Check for regex redirects
const regexKeys = Object.keys(redirects.regex);
for (let item = 0; item < regexKeys.length; item++) {
const reqRegex = regexKeys[item];
const matcher = new RegExp(reqRegex);
// Check if the provided regex matches the current url
if (matcher.test(reqUrl) || matcher.test(nonStrippedReqUrl)) {
const resUrl = redirects.regex[reqRegex];
Logger.info(`[EXPRESS][REDIRECT] Regex redirect found: ${reqRegex} -> ${resUrl}`);
// Check if the redirect url needs parts from the current url
if (/\$[0-9]/.test(resUrl)) {
Logger.debug(`[EXPRESS][REDIRECT] Redirect url need parts from Current url`);
const match = reqUrl.match(matcher);
const nonStrippedMatch = nonStrippedReqUrl.match(matcher);
if (nonStrippedMatch !== null && nonStrippedMatch[1] !== 'undefined') {
Logger.debug(`[EXPRESS][REDIRECT] Redirect url parts found!`);
return res.redirect(status, resUrl.replace(/\$[0-9]/, `${nonStrippedMatch[1]}`));
// Check if we have a match available for replacement
if (match !== null && typeof match[1] !== 'undefined') {
Logger.debug(`[EXPRESS][REDIRECT] Redirect url parts found!`);
return res.redirect(status, resUrl.replace(/\$[0-9]/, `${match[1]}`));
} else {
Logger.debug(`[EXPRESS][REDIRECT] Redirect url parts not found!`);
return res.redirect(status, resUrl.replace('$1', ''));
} else {
Logger.debug(`[EXPRESS][REDIRECT] Redirect url doesn't need parts from Current url`);
return res.redirect(status, resUrl);