* Import modules
const {Logger} = require('@neobeach/core');
* Set up a robots.txt
* @module @neobeach/middlewares-robots-txt
* @access public
* @since 1.0.0
* @author Glenn de Haan
* @copyright MIT
* @param {Boolean} [disallowAll] - Boolean to allow or disallow all from indexing the site
* @param {Array} [extraDisallowRules] - Array to add project based routes to disallow list
* @return {function(*, *, *)}
* @example
* const {Runtime, Server} = require('@neobeach/core');
* const robotsTxt = require('@neobeach/middlewares-robots-txt');
* const server = new Server();
* Runtime(() => {
* server.loadMiddlewares([robotsTxt(true, [])]);
* server.run();
* });
module.exports = (disallowAll = false, extraDisallowRules = []) => {
Logger.info(`[ROBOTS.TXT] Enabled! Disallow All: ${disallowAll ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled'}, Extra Disallow Rules: ${JSON.stringify(extraDisallowRules)}`);
Logger.info(`[ROBOTS.TXT] Exposed: /robots.txt`);
* Check if disallowAll is correct
if(typeof disallowAll === "undefined" || typeof disallowAll !== "boolean") {
Logger.error("[ROBOTS.TXT] disallowAll is not correct");
* Check if extraDisallowRules is correct
if(typeof extraDisallowRules === "undefined" || !Array.isArray(extraDisallowRules)){
Logger.error("[ROBOTS.TXT] extraDisallowRules is not correct");
return (req, res, next) => {
if (req.originalUrl.indexOf("robots.txt") !== -1) {
const userAgent = "User-agent: *";
const sitemap = `Sitemap: ${req.protocol}://${req.headers.host}/sitemap.xml`;
const defaultDisallowRules = [
...(disallowAll ? ["Disallow: /"] : ["Disallow: /api/", "Disallow: /fonts/",])
res.send(`${userAgent}\n${[...defaultDisallowRules, ...extraDisallowRules].join('\n')}\n${sitemap}`);
} else {