* Import modules
* @ignore
const {Logger} = require('@neobeach/core');
const Gelf = require('gelf');
* Import util
* @ignore
const util = require('./utils');
* Set variables
* @ignore
const config = {};
let gelf = {};
const packageInformation = require(__dirname + '/package.json');
* A module to simplify the connection to graylog
* @module @neobeach/modules-graylog
* @type {{init: (function(String, Number, String, ("local"|"test"|"staging"|"production")): undefined), send: (function(String, ("trace"|"debug"|"info"|"warn"|"error")=, String=, Object=): undefined)}}
module.exports = {
* Initialize the Connection with graylog.
* @access public
* @since 1.0.0
* @author Roel Voordendag
* @copyright MIT
* @see https://www.npmjs.com/package/gelf
* @see https://docs.graylog.org/docs
* @param {String} graylogHostname - Hostname of graylog server.
* @param {Number} graylogPort - Port of graylog server.
* @param {String} projectName - Name of current project working in.
* @param {('local'|'test'|'staging'|'production')} projectEnv - From what environment is this message sent from.
* @example
* const {Runtime, Server} = require('@neobeach/core');
* const graylog = require('@neobeach/modules-graylog');
* Runtime(() => {
* graylog.init('log.example.com', '12201', 'example-project-name', 'local');
* });
init: (graylogHostname, graylogPort, projectName, projectEnv) => {
* Check if graylogHostname is correct
if(typeof graylogHostname === "undefined" || typeof graylogHostname !== "string" || graylogHostname === "") {
Logger.error('[GRAYLOG] graylogHostname is not correct');
* Check if graylogPort is correct
if(typeof graylogPort === "undefined" || typeof graylogPort !== "number"){
Logger.error('[GRAYLOG] graylogPort is not correct');
* Check if projectName is correct
if(typeof projectName === "undefined" || typeof projectName !== "string" || projectName === ""){
Logger.error('[GRAYLOG] projectName is not correct');
* Check if projectEnv is correct
if(typeof projectEnv === "undefined" || typeof projectEnv !== "string" || projectEnv === "") {
Logger.error('[GRAYLOG] projectEnv is not correct');
config.projectName = projectName;
config.projectEnv = projectEnv;
gelf = new Gelf({
graylogPort: graylogPort,
graylogHostname: graylogHostname,
connection: 'wan'
Logger.info('[GRAYLOG] Connection Initialized');
gelf.on('error', (error) => {
Logger.error(`[GRAYLOG] Error: ${error}`);
* Function to send message to graylog.
* @access public
* @since 1.0.0
* @author Roel Voordendag
* @copyright MIT
* @see https://www.npmjs.com/package/gelf
* @see https://docs.graylog.org/docs
* @param {String} message - Message that will be displayed with the error in graylog.
* @param {('trace'|'debug'|'info'|'warn'|'error')} severity - Show how big the severity is of the sending message.
* @param {String} [shortMessage] - Short message that can be used as message. When not filled truncate original message. (50 characters max)
* @param {Object} [payload] - Extra payload that can be used to sent extra data.
* @example
* const graylog = require('@neobeach/modules-graylog');
* graylog.send('There was an error that happened.', 'This is the error', 'error', {test: 123});
send: (message, severity = 'info', shortMessage = message, payload = {}) => {
* Check if message is correct
if(typeof message === "undefined" || typeof message !== "string" || message === "") {
Logger.error("[GRAYLOG] message is not correct.");
* Check severity type
if(!["trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error"].includes(severity)){
Logger.error("[GRAYLOG] severity is not correct");
// Get stack but remove the first 2 entries containing the reference to this file
const stack = new Error().stack.split('\n');
stack.splice(0, 2);
// Get the filename from the stack
const file = typeof stack[0] !== "undefined" ? stack[0].match(/^.* \((.*):[0-9]+:[0-9]+\)$/) !== null ? stack[0].match(/^.* \((.*):[0-9]+:[0-9]+\)$/)[1] : null : null;
gelf.emit('gelf.log', {
short_message: util.truncateString(message),
full_message: message,
level: severity,
project_name: config.projectName,
project_env: config.projectEnv,
stack_trace: stack.join('\n'),
file: file,
version_node: process.versions['node'],
version_core: packageInformation.dependencies['@neobeach/core'], // Get core version used in package
payload: payload,